I was pleasantly startled by the
TIME Magazine cover.
I wonder if Hillary knows.
Btw: I was steadfastly undecided between the two Democratic front runners for months and months. I didn't even vote in the VA primary [well I was also out-of-town at the last minute -- but even if I hadn't been, I had no idea who I preferred.] I've never been a Hillary-hater. In fact, I
used to admire her.
But. Two things happened. One, Barak Obama's courageous speech on race after the Rev. Wright brouhaha. Two, Hillary Clinton's slow seepage into the kind of slimy and selfish political shenanigans the likes of which I honestly could not believe I was seeing from her. She has absolutely and defintively played the "race card" in a most unattractive [oh, heck ... downright detestable] way. Over the last 6 to 8 weeks, using even the kindest and most forgiving filter I could, I still cannot see her campaign as anything other than unprincipled, selfish and desperate. She knows she's going down, and she doesn't seem to care who she takes with her. And that's heartbreaking.
But, folks, don't be alarmed. If by some freak and undemocratic manuever, she does end up with the nomination, I will indeed be pulling the lever for a Democrat come November. Because, a selfish, self-serving Democrat still seems a better bet than a Bush-Republican. And by "better bet," I mean:
less likely to have us at war with Iran,
less likely to continue to allow the oil interests in this country to have their way with the us and the environment, and
more likely to actually stop to see if her administration's policies are hurting or helping the most vulnerable among us.